The far-out “Mercedes Fascination Center” is designer/architect Mustafa Al-Nuaimi’s attempt to reinterpret the auto brand’s image in architectural form! In signature silver (of course), the design features parametric metal skin and a layered, growing, fluid form. Srsly tho, is it just me or does it totally remind of a Mad Hatter cake?! Y’know… a sexy, luxury one. Check it out —>
Designer: Mustafa Al-Nuaimi

This “unfolding house” comes prefabricated and can be assembled in less than 3 hours!
{"title":"Long-lasting CLT foldable house prefabricated. Fast and simple installation","author_name":"Brette Haus","author_url":"https://www.youtubeom/channel/UCJWprvd1FW2w9L-ofVffXVw","type":"video","height":"591","width":"1050","version":"1.0","provider_name":"YouTube","provider_url":"https://www.youtubeom/","thumbnail_height":"360","thumbnail_width":"480","thumbnail_url":"https://i.ytimgom/vi/yXRgo0cpdtY/hqdefault.jpg","html":"<iframe width="1050" height="591" src="https://www.youtubeom/embed/yXRgo0cpdtY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>","arve_cachetime":"2021-03-05 09:09:20","arve_url":"","arve_srcset":"https://i.ytimgom/vi/yXRgo0cpdtY/mqdefault.jpg 320w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/yXRgo0cpdtY/hqdefault.jpg 480w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/yXRgo0cpdtY/sddefault.jpg 640w, https://i.ytimgom/vi/yXRgo0cpdtY/maxresdefault.jpg 1280w"}
Putting an absolutely new kind of spin on “Home Delivery”, Brette Haus’ prefabricated cabins are literally shipped to your location on the back of a trailer. In a matter of 3 hours, the home is placed on the site, unfolded, and secured in place, turning it from one weird wooden carton into a liveable cabin with anywhere between 22 to 47 sqt. of space (depending on the cabin’s variant).
Each cabin takes roughly 8 weeks to fabricate and comes made entirely from carbon-neutral, weather-proof, and sustainable cross-laminated timber. There is no need for a permanent foundation… the cabins can easily be unfolded on any levelled ground before being secured in place using screw piles. The hinges on the cabin can survive up to 100 folding cycles (which means you can carry your house to multiple locations), and Brette Haus even offers optional addons like a waste-tank and solar panel kit, allowing you to live comfortably, yet off the grid… and possibly far away from civilization if you’re tired of the human race after this exhausting year.
Designer: Brette Haus

Mobile Living With Glam
Monohedron is a prefab house that is mobile and suits almost any environment or climate. The idea is to move away from the predictable comfort of a brick and concrete home to something more versatile as this. With the options of adding layers of floors as per needs, the concept of your dream home takes on a whole new meaning. Customized and prefab are two words that don’t usually gel together well, but looks like this mobile home has sort of nailed it. Designer: Andrej Cverha